Component Qualification Validation

In quality assessment of semiconductor components, the engineering processes of characterization and qualification are important in order to finalise, verify and accept a product specification. This may be for the launch of a new device or for specific customer assurance to begin use of an existing specification for their project.

What is validation?

Validation is a sequence of electrical and mechanical test processes which determine whether the product being proposed meets a pre-existing specification. A detailed verification of the product is undertaken against the specification to assess whether device quality and all key performance indices are met.


Why validation?

  • Quality assurance if a device is new or there is no significant mass production reliability data available
  • Quality assurance when the application is high reliability and intolerant to failure or batch-to-batch variation. e.g. military, medical, space, oil and gas
  • Quality assurance if component provenance is undocumented or there is uncertainty of suitability due to age, origin or a potential for counterfeit risk.
  • On-going process control and production quality control, e.g. yield optimisation
  • Measurement of critical parameters not otherwise testable in unencapsulated format.


How is validation performed?

A test process is applied which can follow either standard industry process, a customer product specific document such as a SCD (Source Control Drawing) or a bespoke customised test flow.

Typical steps are:

  • Test concept development
  • Software development
  • Test hardware development
  • Test verification
  • Electrical testing
  • exit inspection
  • Data evaluation and documentation

The product is a data pack for further analysis.

View our parametric electrical test capability.